Any programmer even passingly familiar with the Windows and Presentation Manager APIs is aware that there are significant similarities. When other windowing APIs, such as X11 or Mac OS, are taken into consideration, Windows and the Presentation Manager look like siblings, almost twins.
The similarity is not coincidental. The OS/2 GUI was even referred to as the “Windows Presentation Manager” in the early days of OS/2. The OS/2 Presentation Manager and Windows 2.0 were developed in parallel, and Microsoft was stressing the similarities.
The exact timeline is not easy to establish, but a few points are clear. The Presentation Manager was announced in April 1987; at that time, the functional specification already existed, but the code was very far from being finished. In mid-1987, when Microsoft started shipping the first OS/2 SDKs, the complete Presentation Manager API documentation was part of the kits, even though there was no code yet. To get developers started, the OS/2 SDK included Windows 1.04 and the corresponding SDK. Continue reading