More CPUs in NT 3.x Workstation

The default processor limits of Windows NT 3.x are surprisingly difficult to establish. Quite possibly because although SMP was a big selling point of NT, in reality only a tiny fraction of PCs in the mid-1990s supported SMP, and of those, most only had two processors.

After some poking around, it appears that the default for NT Workstation is two CPUs of all NT 3.x releases (and NT 4 as well). A notable exception is the checked build which for whatever reason defaults to four CPUs.

For the (Advanced) Server version, the default is four CPUs; however, the server uses the same kernel/HAL and to get beyond the defaults, the registry must be modified. For the server versions, the modification happens during installation.

In Windows NT 3.1, if the standard Microsoft installer finds the ProductType being LanmanNT (i.e. it is Advanced Server rather than Workstation, whose ProductType is WinNt), it adds a DWORD key called HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\RegisteredProcessors and sets it to 4. This is plainly visible in a file called REGISTRY.INF. Continue reading

Posted in NT, Software Hacks | 3 Comments

Windows NT 3.1 (and OS/2) Memory Detection

It is common knowledge that Windows NT 3.1 only recognizes up to 64 MB RAM, unlike NT 3.5 and later versions. This statement can be found in various places, including this blog. The limitation was empirically determined by installing NT 3.1 on various physical or emulated platforms.

It is easy to accept this as a fact since it is well known that even NT 3.1’s minimum requirement of 16 MB RAM was quite high when it was released in 1993, and systems with 64 MB memory (let alone more) were practically unheard of.

Imagine my surprise when I installed the original build 511 of NT 3.1 on a 1995 Intel server board (that’s a whole another story) and saw the full 128 MB RAM being recognized. Clearly “common knowledge” is not the same as actual facts.

Finding official statements on the maximum memory supported by Windows NT 3.1 is difficult. Key information is available from Microsoft in KB117373, but with an important caveat. The KB article talks about INT 15h/E820h usage but does not mention that NT 3.1 does not support that interface. NT 3.5 does and that is in fact why it has no trouble detecting more than 64 MB RAM on typical systems. So what’s the real story with NT 3.1? Continue reading

Posted in BIOS, NT | 39 Comments

NT 3.1 SMP

Generic x86 multiprocessing, Summer 1994 edition. There’s not much to say:

NT 3.1 SMP BootYep, that’s NT 3.1 running in a VM, and it sees two processors. Remember, you saw it here first! Continue reading

Posted in Intel, NT, SMP | 68 Comments


I recently came across hints suggesting that in the 1987 timeframe, Microsoft contemplated the use of the 386 LOADALL instruction in OS/2. As far as I know, no released version of OS/2 (including the SDK betas) utilized the 386 LOADALL.

But it got me wondering. Did anyone use it in commercial software? And which 386 CPUs support LOADALL?

To be clear, the 386 LOADALL instruction is very similar to its infamous 286 sibling but it’s not compatible (even the opcode is different). On the 286, LOADALL could accomplish things that were not otherwise possible, but on the 386 there is little that LOADALL can do that can’t be done using documented interfaces (and that retail software would want to do).

Robert Collins has an excellent writeup on both LOADALL flavors with lots of details and test programs. The article contains the following rather interesting statement: “Very few people at Intel will acknowledge that LOADALL even exists in the 80386 mask. The official Intel line is that, due to U.S. Military pressure, LOADALL was removed from the 80386 mask over a year ago. However, running the program in Listing-2 demonstrates that LOADALL is alive, well, and still available on the latest stepping of the 80386.

So LOADALL was supposedly removed from 386s… except it maybe wasn’t. And it was top secret? Further searching revealed a surprising fact: The existence of 386 LOADALL instruction became a matter of public record no later than September 1, 1992 when Compaq’s U.S patent 5,144,551 was published. Continue reading

Posted in 386, Undocumented | 26 Comments

Missing Intel SDM Documents

I’ve been trying to complete my archive of Intel SDM documents circa 2000 and later. I have most of the editions archived but a few are missing. Readers of this blog could have something stashed away too, so perhaps someone could help? I’m looking for original PDFs with no modifications, at least not obvious ones. Continue reading

Posted in Documentation, Intel | 11 Comments

Lies, Damn Lies, and Wikipedia

While researching the history of 486s for a previous article, I came across a fascinating Wikipedia entry and its associated talk page. It’s a nice showcase of inmates running the asylum, and a reminder that Wikipedia can’t be considered an authoritative source of information because the quality of encyclopedia entries is wildly uneven. It’s not all bad, and it could be argued that the average is quite good, but there’s no minimum quality guarantee.

Even now the 486SX article contains demonstrably incorrect claims such as this: The FPU upgrade device was shipped as the i487, which was a full blown i486DX chip with an extra pin. The i487 was installed in an upgrade socket and the extra pin was either a power or ground pin that indicated that the i487 was installed. That signal was used to disable the i486SX when the i487 was installed. 

Well, no—there is an extra pin, but it has no electrical function whatsoever. It merely prevents the chip from being installed incorrectly. And there is a pin (NC#) indicating that an upgrade processor is present designed to “shut off” the original CPU, but it is one of the standard 168 pins. The text conflates facts and turns them into a falsehood. The pins are publicly documented in Intel datasheets and it’s not so hard to find the actual information. Continue reading

Posted in 486, Intel, PC history | 37 Comments

Intel OverDrive Part I: 486 OverDrive

Intel had a long history of offering retail processor upgrades for PCs. The last and by far the best known of those were the Intel OverDrive processors. But let’s start with the earlier history.

In 1987, Intel released the Inboard 386/AT, an ISA card with a 386 CPU used to upgrade existing PC/AT systems to 386s. In 1988 the Inboard 386/PC followed, a similar card for upgrading 8086-based PCs.

In 1992, Intel offered RapidCAD, a two-chip (for the CPU and FPU sockets) upgrade for 386 systems. The RapidCAD used a somewhat crippled 486 core with integrated FPU and although it didn’t greatly improve integer performance, it did significantly increase the floating-point power (70% improvement according to Intel) to overtake any discrete 387.

i486 DX, SX, and 487SX

When Intel introduced the i486 in 1989, the benefits (for Intel) of segmenting the market with SX and DX variants were well understood. Whereas the 386DX (1985) used a 32-bit external interface and the 386SX (1988) a 16-bit one, the 486DX and 486SX were almost identical in terms of external interface. The DX variant included a built-in FPU, the SX did not.

Intel 486SX-25

Early i486SX Processor

The 486SX was introduced in mid-1991, and its main purpose was to compete with faster 386 systems, especially those from AMD. At that time, the vast majority of software did not require a FPU, and most software didn’t use one even if available. Although the 486 had considerably better performance per clock, a 40 MHz 386 compared quite favorably to a much more expensive 25 MHz 486. The 486SX was intended to get OEMs to roll out 486 CPUs (which only Intel produced at the time) in larger numbers, understandably at prices lower than the top-of-the-line DX variants. Continue reading

Posted in 486, Intel, PC history | 6 Comments

Intel 486 Errata?

There don’t seem to be any specification updates or errata lists for any Intel 486 CPU anywhere. It’s odd because there are specification updates for 386s (and of course Pentiums) from Intel, and because the embedded 486s continued to be produced for a long long time (standard 486s well into the 2000s).

The 486 was released back when Intel believed that publishing errata would be damaging and it seems the policy was never changed, as it had been for the Pentium (after the infamous FDIV fiasco).

Someone, somewhere has the errata sheets. Anyone want to share? Continue reading

Posted in 486, Intel, PC history | 22 Comments

MS C 4.0 Documentation Added

Another library expansion. This time it’s Microsoft C 4.0 documentation (1986)—because it’s not available online, is not easy to find offline, and because Jeff asked for it.

MS C 4.0 was an early Microsoft compiler, implementing first glimpses of the not-yet finalized ANSI C standard. It was released in summer 1986 and superseded first by the little-known Microsoft C 5.0 in 1987, and more importantly by the very popular Microsoft C 5.1 in early 1988.

MS C 4.0 CLMicrosoft C 4.0 was notable for supporting Microsoft Windows. It was likely the compiler used for developing most Windows 1.x software available on the market.

An important addition in version 4.0 was CodeView, a full-screen source level debugger which superseded DEBUG and SYMDEB. 30 years ago, source level debuggers were fancy!

Posted in C, Documentation, DOS, Microsoft | 7 Comments

More on the C&T Super386

Since last week’s post, more information about the Chips and Technologies C&T has come to light.

It now appears that at least some 38605DX processors were made. Whether there is any surviving working system is still an open question (since a special motherboard would be required as well). On the other hand, there is still is no evidence that any of the SX variants existed beyond samples.

There is more on the sort-of-SMM in the Super386, called SuperState V. The U.S. Patent 5,455,909 provides an overview of the feature. The caveat is that the patent’s existence does not necessarily imply a specific implementation. The F8680 PC/CHIP is better documented but its SuperState R (R for Real, V for Virtual?) is not necessarily the same as the Super386’s SuperState V.

Last but not least, thanks to a reader suggestion and a kind stranger, an unfinished manuscript of the Super386 Programmer’s Reference Manual has been located. While it is very incomplete, it sheds some light on the one mysterious undocumented Super386 instruction. Continue reading

Posted in 386, C&T, Documentation | 32 Comments