The default processor limits of Windows NT 3.x are surprisingly difficult to establish. Quite possibly because although SMP was a big selling point of NT, in reality only a tiny fraction of PCs in the mid-1990s supported SMP, and of those, most only had two processors.
After some poking around, it appears that the default for NT Workstation is two CPUs of all NT 3.x releases (and NT 4 as well). A notable exception is the checked build which for whatever reason defaults to four CPUs.
For the (Advanced) Server version, the default is four CPUs; however, the server uses the same kernel/HAL and to get beyond the defaults, the registry must be modified. For the server versions, the modification happens during installation.
In Windows NT 3.1, if the standard Microsoft installer finds the ProductType being LanmanNT (i.e. it is Advanced Server rather than Workstation, whose ProductType is WinNt), it adds a DWORD key called HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\RegisteredProcessors and sets it to 4. This is plainly visible in a file called REGISTRY.INF. Continue reading