This article will attempt to collect IDENTIFY DRIVE dumps from antique IDE drives, with running commentary. For the purposes of this list, “antique” is defined as a drive model released in 1990 or earlier, typically with the drive itself also manufactured no later than 1990. (Limiting the list to IDE drives made in the 1980s would have made it rather short.)
In general, drives listed here use the 3½″ half-height form factor common for early IDE drives unless noted otherwise. The entries are sorted alphabetically. Mostly.
Conner CP-342
This was, as far as anyone can tell, the first IDE drive available on the open market, some months after Compaq already started shipping Conner’s CP-341 IDE drives. The CP-342 was announced in mid-1987 (see InfoWorld, Jun 29, 1987, page 20, “Hard Disk Drive for ATs Speeds Transfer of Data”). There is no surviving manufacturer documentation for this drive and it does not appear in official Conner drive lists.
The IDENTIFY DRIVE command on the CP-342 goes significantly beyond the Compaq DeskPro Technical Reference from 1986-1987. It supplies the drive model, serial number, and firmware revision, as well as the buffer size (just a single sector) and type and finally ECC size.
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