For a long time, I couldn’t quite grasp what the DOS APPEND command could possibly be good for. Until I came across a situation which APPEND was made for.
When I worked on organizing and building the DOS 2.11 source code, I tried to place the source files in a tree structure similar to that used by DOS 3.x (this is known from DOS 3.x OAKs):
│ ├───chkdsk
│ ├───command
│ ├───debug
│ ├───diskcopy
│ ├───edlin
│ ├───exe2bin
│ ├───fc
│ ├───find
│ ├───format
│ ├───more
│ ├───print
│ ├───recover
│ ├───sort
│ └───sys
The inc
subdirectory unsurprisingly contains shared include files such as DOSSYM.ASM
, which are included just about from everywhere. No problem, right?
Except… to get output that most closely matches existing DOS 2.x binaries, it is necessary to use an old version of MASM (version 1.25 seems to do the trick). But MASM 1.25 is designed to run on top of DOS 1.x, and knows nothing whatsoever about directories.
It is possible that back in the day, DOS 2.x was built from a single huge directory on a hard disk. In fact it is known that DOS 2.0 could not be built on PCs at all, and was built on DEC mainframes. Yet DOS 2.11 was also clearly modified such that it could be build on PCs using Microsoft’s development tools.
However it was done back in 1983, lumping 150+ assembler source files into a single directory, and then adding hundreds of object and executable files, did not sound at all appealing. Cloning DOSSYM.ASM
to every directory where it was needed seemed even worse.
That’s when I somehow remembered that APPEND exists, and realized that it’s the perfect solution to the problem. Before building, one can run
and the inc
directory becomes accessible from all of its sibling subdirectories and from subdirectories one level deeper. It would have been possible to use an absolute path as well, but this way the build batch file does not need to know where it lives.
With APPEND in place, the old MASM 1.25 which uses FCB I/O will find the centrally located include files, and the source code can be organized into a neat hierarchical structure that’s far easier to work with than one giant blob.
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